Hello, I am a writer, an author, and project archivist. Welcome to my website.

Caroline Welling Van Deusen's Bio:

As a multi-career professional, I specialize in custom curatorial services, preservation, PM and digital stewardship. Currently I have an ongoing project: The Writings of Elizabeth L.C. Dixon, transcription and publication of her 350 page- 3 volume European Honeymoon Diary: 1840-41. Also, another of my projects is: Retrace Civil War Footprints: curating the digital collection of our family papers and artifacts that retrace the footprints of the Lincolns’ - from their first days in Washington until their last which offers a glimpse into their lives from a new vantage point. My last project is THE GREELEY LETTER: project and website: archival prints available for the first time in 155 years exclusively through E-ArchiVes. https://TheGreeleyLetter.com

Caroline Welling Van Deusen's Experience:

Caroline Welling Van Deusen's Interests & Activities:

Genealogy, antiques, digital technology, online learning, New England history, Abraham Lincoln studies, Mary Lincoln, social history, American history, and Connecticut history.